
If you have a map setup on your theme from v6.3.0 or earlier, most settings in this section have changed and you will need to reconfigure your map section following the instructions below.

The Map section can display a Google map with multiple location markers as of v7.0.0, or only one marker in older theme versions. All of the instructions in this documentation are for v7.0.0 and above.

In order to get this map to work, you will need to have a Google Maps Javascript API key which requires a Google Cloud account.

Google Maps Platform Setup

On June 11, 2018, the Google Maps Platform introduced a number of changes to how Google Maps APIs are organized and used. Using these APIs requires setting up a billing account with the Google Maps Platform. You are provided a monthly credit on an ongoing basis to cover services up to a threshold.
For more information about pricing, see the Google Maps Platform pricing and billing documentation:

Steps to setup a Google Maps account:

  1. Visit the Google Maps Platform page and click Get started.
  2. Select the Maps, Routes, and Places products to get the APIs that are needed to work with the free themes Map section.
  3. Click Continue.
  4. Either create a new name or select an existing project.
  5. After agreeing to the terms of service, click Next.
  6. Create a billing account with the Google Maps Platform. A billing account is a requirement in the new Google Maps Platform. For more information, see the Google Maps Platform pricing and billing documentation.
  7. After enabling the Google Maps Platform, copy your new Google Maps API key to your clipboard.
The next step within Google is to Restrict the API key to be used on only your Shopify store's domain, so that bad actors can’t steal it and use it on their website and rack up a bunch of bills on your account. This step is important because it’s not difficult to find the API key by inspecting the webpage in any browser:
  1. Go to the Google API credentials page:
  2. Select your project from the menu.
  3. Choose the API key that you generated to begin editing.
  4. Under Application restrictions, click HTTP referrers (web sites) and enter any domain associated with your store, including your domain. For example, if you have a custom domain, then enter both* and*.
  5. Click Save

Add the API Key to the theme

  1. From your Shopify admin, go to Online Store > Themes.
  2. Find the theme that you want to edit, and then click Customize.
  3. Navigate to “Theme Settings”, which is the second icon, the paintbrush icon on the far left menu of the theme editor.
  4. Choose “Maps” from the list of settings.
  5. Paste your API key in the “Google Maps API key” field.
After that is complete, you can add a Map section to any page and customize the map within each Map section!

One thing that’s really valuable to note, is that there is a “Backup image” option in each Map section. If you don’t want to go through the process of getting a Maps API key, you can upload an image here that will show instead of the map if when there is no API key entered. You could take a screenshot of a map on and upload it here to display instead of the interactive Google map. This backup image will also display if there is ever an error and the Google map doesn't show.

Add location markers to the map using section blocks

In the left sidebar, underneath the "Map" section, there's the option to "Add Location". Each one of these Location blocks will become a marker on your map. The map area will automatically adjust to ensure every marker you add is visible. There are three input fields in each block.

Map address

This is the address that Google will use to place your marker. It will not be displayed anywhere. Every location block must have an address entered or the map will not work.

Location name

The name of the location. This is what will be displayed in the location details underneath the map, and inside of the info window when the marker inside the map is clicked.

Location details

You can add any text here you would like to describe the location. We recommend adding the address nicely formatted and any other relevant information about the location like open hours or a phone number. This information will display underneath the map when the "Show location details underneath map" checkbox is checked within the map settings.



The heading for the section.

Heading size

Select the size of the text for the heading.


The description text for the top of the section.

Text size

Select the size of the text.

Show heading and description in an overlay text box

When this box is checked, the above content will display in a feature box overlapping the map instead of above the section. Here's an example:

Text box color scheme

Choose from one of the available color schemes for the overlay text box

Text box shape

Choose a shape for the text box

Map options

Map style

Choose from 1 of 6 color styles for your map.


Show Google Map Controls

Check this box to show Google map options as buttons on the map like zoom and satellite.

Custom marker image

Upload your own image to use as a location marker instead of the standard red marker. We recommend using a png with a transparent background. Here is an example from our Frulla demo store:

Custom marker height

Adjust the height of marker to increase or decrease it's size on the map. The minimum allowed is 44px which is required to meet accessibility requirements.

Show location details underneath map

When this box is checked, the details of the location that are added in each block will display underneath the map. In order for a location to display here, the location block must have either "Location name" or "Location details" filled in. Columns will automatically be created to fit however many blocks are displayed. Example:

Location name text size

Select the size of the Location name.

Text alignment

Choose the alignment of the location block text.

Show directions link

When this box is checked, a link that says "Get directions" will display in the location blocks, and in the information window when the marker in the map is clicked.

Backup image

Upload an image here to use instead of the map. If there are no location blocks or there is no API key entered in Theme settings, this image will display.

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