Collection product grid

The collection product grid is the section that displays the product cards for products in the collection. It's similar to the results on the Search page. Here's an example:


Products per page

The number of products to display per page before pagination. The options are all divisible by 12 so that it fills out all grid spaces in most use cases. Pagination will show if needed, and will look like this:

Theme settings style "Soft edges"

Theme settings style "Sharp edges"

Maximum products per row (desktop)

Choose the max number of columns between 2 - 5 to show on the grid. The number of columns will scale down automatically as the screen size decreases. If you want larger product cards and images, choose a smaller number and vice versa. There will always be at least 2 columns, even on mobile.

Filtering and sorting

Enable filtering

Check this box to enable product filtering. Filters are managed using Shopify's Search & Discover app. For more details on setting up filters, see the Shopify Help Center documentation on Filters.

Show filter name next to swatch

(Whisk 6.3.0 and greater)

When a filter has been configured in the Search & Discovery app to use swatches, this setting will show the name of the filter value next to the swatch. Examples below.

Show name (box checked):

Hide name (box unchecked):

For further instructions on how to implement swatch filters, see the Swatch filters documentation.

Collapse filters on larger screens

When this is checked, the filters will no longer show individually on desktop screens, but will instead show a "Filter" button that opens a drawer where filters can be applied. This is how the filters will always work on mobile.

Show filter counts

Show the number of results when a filter would be applied next to the filter option.

Enable sorting

Check this box to allow visitors to resort products in the collection using a dropdown.

Product card options

Show vendor

Check this box to display the product vendor for each product

Show product subtitle

Check this box to display the product subtitle for each product. For more information, see the documentation for Product subtitle.

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