Note: In order to select a different template other than the default template on a page, that template must exist in the live published theme on your store. Therefore, in order to utilize the FAQ template, you must purchase the theme and publish it, or create a template on your current live theme called "faq".

The FAQ page template is built using two sections (but you can always choose to add more if you like). Example:

Page content

This section includes the page title centered, and then the page content underneath it. 

Question and answer

The question and answer will display as an accordion that is by default collapsed, only showing the question. When clicked, the accordion will open and reveal the answer. This section can be duplicated as many times as needed.


Section header

Add a centered heading above a section of questions. 


Add the text for the heading here. 

Heading size

Choose the text size for the heading.


Optionally add some descriptive text underneath the heading.

Text size

Choose the size of the text.

Question and answer


The question that will display in the accordion when it's open or closed.


The answer that will show when a visitor opens the accordion.


Section spacing

(Whisk 5.0.0 and above)

Adjust top and bottom padding within the section.

Add space above or below

(Whisk 4.3.1 and below)

Depending on the sections that are above or below this section, you may want to add some extra space for a more pleasing layout.

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