Site footer

Note: Colors for the footer are configured in Theme settings/colors. As of Whisk v 9.0.0, Currency and language selectors are configured in Theme settings/localization.


The blocks in the footer is where you will find most of the customizations for the section. There are 3 block types, and you can have from 1- 4 blocks in the footer. The footer color scheme is configured in Theme settings/colors. The layout will automatically adjust to accommodate however many blocks you decide to have. Here's an example of a footer that has one of each block. All content in the blocks is optional, and the layout will adjust appropriately with spacing if anything is left blank.

All blocks have these options: 

Desktop alignment

Choose "Left", "Center", or "Right" alignment of the content and text in the block. All content will automatically center on mobile.

Show social icons at the bottom of this block 

Show social media icons with links out to the store's social media pages. You can add the links in Theme settings/Social media. We recommend you only show these icons on one block.

Show Show "Follow on Shop" button

Show a "Follow on Shop" button which allows customers to follow your store on the Shop all where they can receive personalizes recommendations and notifications about your products. Your store has to have Shop Pay enabled and the Shop app installed and setup for this to display. Learn more about this at Shopify's Follow on Shop documentation. We recommend you only show this button on one block.

Quick links


Title to help name the set of links that are below it.


Choose a menu from Navigation to display here. By default, it will be the "Footer menu".



The main heading to ask visitors to subscribe to your newsletter.


A brief text description describing the benefits of signing up.

Image and text


Upload an image, like your logo, an illustration, or icon for your store's brand. Example of using the store's logo here:

The width of the image in pixels.


Instead of an image, you can choose to show text as a title instead.


A sentence or two of copy about your store.


Title font style

Choose from the heading or the body font to be used as the font for the block titles.

Title font size

(Whisk 5.0.0 and greater)

Adjust the size of the titles.

Make font bold

(Whisk 5.0.0 and greater)

Make all titles a bold font weight.

Show payment icons

Check this box to display the payment types accepted at your store at the very bottom of the footer as card icons.


See the documentation for Border shapes for details on how to style this.

Color underneath section

Available in Whisk 4.1.0 and greater

See our documentation on Color underneath sections to learn more about how to use this setting. This is only relevant when the a top border is selected.

We recommend only using this setting if you have a section above the footer in the footer group that shows on every page. Since the footer is on every page, we can't guarantee what the last section on every page would be to match that color.

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