Countdown Timer
Available in Whisk v11.0.0 and later
The Countdown Timer can be found as it's own section, or as a block in Main Product and Featured product sections and the Promo popup. The first part of this documentation is for the Timer or Countdown Timer block that is found in all of these places. The second part only relates to the Countdown Timer section.
The timer will count down to the time in your store's time zone, so it will end at the same time everywhere in the world, no matter what time zone the viewer is in. To check your store's time zone or to change it, visit Settings/General in your Shopify store's Admin.
Timer Block settings
End date
Add a date to countdown to. The date must be formatted as YYYY-MM-DD. If the date/time is in the past or if this field is empty, the timer will display all zeros. The timer supports a countdown up to 999 days in the future.
End time
Enter the time for the countdown to end in hours and minutes. The time must be formatted as 00:00. If left blank, the timer will end at midnight on the end date.
Hide the timer once the end time has passed
When this is selected, the timer block or the entire Countdown timer section will disappear when the date/time is in the past.
Message after end time has passed
If the timer is not set to be hidden once the end time has passed, any text added here will show underneath the timer once it has counted down to zero.
Numbers to display
Choose which numbers to display. Days will always be shown in every option.
Numbers font
Choose a font for the numbers to display in.
Numbers font size
The size of the font in relation to the body font size.
Text size
The size of the text underneath the numbers
Countdown Timer section settings
Layout (desktop)
Timer will always be stacked on mobile.
When stacked, the timer block will show in it's block order relative to the other blocks in the section.
Timer on left
Timer on right
Text alignment (desktop or mobile)
Choose left, center, or right text alignment.
Text animation
See the documentation for text animations for more details.
Color scheme
Choose from one of the theme's color schemes as the background for the section.
See our documentation on Border shapes and Color underneath sections to learn more about how to use the settings in this section.
Section spacing
Adjust top and bottom padding within the section.
Other blocks
Heading font style will be the heading font chosen in Typography/Theme settings.
The text for the block.
Heading size
Select the size of the text for the heading.
Subheading font style will be the accent font chosen in Typography/Theme settings.
The text for the block.
Subheading size
Select the size of the text for the heading.
Make text bold
Check this box to make the subheading text bold.
Text will be the body font chosen in Typography/Theme settings.
The text for the block.
Text size
Select the size of the text.
Make text bold
Check this box to make the text bold, which can be helpful for legibility on a transparent background.
Buttons will be automatically colored based on the color scheme chosen as the text box background. The following applies to both Button 1 & Button 2.
Button label
The text for the button. To hide either of the buttons, leave the label for that button blank.
Button link
Add a link to the page you want the button to lead to. If it's a page outside of the store, make sure it's the full URL with "https://".
Upload the image you want to use in the block.
Image max width
This will be the width of the image in px unless it's too wide to fit the screen, then it will default to full width and scale with the screen size so it's never cut off.
Image text
If your image includes imbedded text, add that text here so that it can be picked up by screen readers for accessibility, and by Google for better search results.
Make image text h2 heading
If your image has text and is being used as the title for the section, check this box. This also benefit s accessibility and SEO.
Link text
The text label for the link.
Link URL
The url that the link will go to.