General FAQ

This documentation focuses on features that are unique and specific to the Whisk theme. Any instructions that are missing from here are likely standard Shopify theme features and their documentation can be found at the Shopify Help Center for themes. We are continuously working to improve and add to this documentation so please send us a note if you have any questions you are stuck with. Your feedback is also greatly appreciated!

For a history of release updates, visit the Whisk changelog.

Below are the answers to some common general questions about the theme.

Is Whisk Shopify 2.0 compatible?

Whisk was built from the ground up specifically for Shopify 2.0 stores and is fully compatible with Shopify 2.0 features. For more details on what Shopify 2.0 themes offer, see Shopify's article about theme architecture.

Do apps from the app store work with Whisk?

Yes, all of them should work! All themes in the Shopify theme store must follow very specific guidelines and a rigorous review process before being listed for sale, and they all must be built in a way to be compatible with easy integration for apps from the Shopify app store. The reverse is true for Shopify App store apps, they must be compatible with all Shopify theme store themes. Whisk is built with a similar structure to Shopify's Dawn theme to make it easy to integrate with. If you are having any problems integrating an app into Whisk, we recommend reaching out to the app's support as a first step, as they usually have more power to resolve integration issues.

Does the theme offer any language translations?

Yes! The latest version of Whisk comes with store translations in the following languages: English, German, French, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese (Brazilian), Dutch, and Japanese.

Can you make edits or add a feature to the theme?

Your purchase of the theme through Shopify provides you support with questions, bug fixes ,and access to the latest updates to the theme for life. It doesn't cover making custom code changes or edits but please reach out and let us know what you are looking for and we'll be happy to help guide you. Sometimes there are already options built in for what you need to do, and we'd love to help you with those customizations. For more details about what we cover, please see our Support Policy.

Can you help me upgrade my theme to the latest version?

After your purchase of the theme from the Shopify theme store, you will have access to theme upgrades for life! Shopify has built in functionality that should work at the click of a button to get you the latest version of a theme, but it's a newer feature and can be a bit buggy at times. It also doesn't copy over any custom code edits that you, a developer, or an app may have made to the theme. Our Support Policy doesn't cover us performing theme updates for you, but if you aren't sure how to get access to a theme update or ever get into a situation where you are having trouble with an update, take a look at this video we made discussing how theme upgrades work and how to manually copy over your customizations from one theme to another:

How do I remove the "Powered by Shopify" link in the footer?

Before making this update, be aware that making any code edits to the theme will can make the process of making updates from Shopify to new versions of the theme as they are released more cumbersome as you will have to manually copy over any code edits you have made to the newer version of the theme. We recommend that you duplicate a copy of the unaltered theme first to leave in your theme drafts which will make it easier to upgrade to new versions in the future.

You can remove the "Powered by Shopify" link from your footer by editing your theme code. In the Sections folder, open footer.liquid  and delete the following lines, starting at around line 304.

<small> {{ 'general.powered_by_shopify' | t | link_to:'', class:'link--no-underline', target:'_blank', rel:'nofollow' }} </small> 

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