Product reviews
Product reviews through Shopify are managed by third-party apps that are available in the Shopify App Store. There are several to choose from, and each have their own feature set and pricing structure for you to choose which one works best for your store. Please note that the Shopify Product Reviews app is being sunset and will no longer work after 2024.
All of the product reviews apps should have widgets for 2.0 themes that are easy to install on product pages. If you'd like to show product ratings on product cards throughout your store, Whisk includes customizations that work with most review apps. These customizations can be found under Theme settings/Product cards.
Show review rating
Check this box to show the rating on product cards throughout the entire store. Product cards are used in the following templates and sections: Collections, Featured collection, Search, Product recommendations.
Product reviews app
In order for the reviews to display properly on the card, you need to select the app that you are using in from this dropdown. Below is a list of the apps to choose from. We have tested each one of these to make sure they work properly:
- Air
- Ali
- (see Whisk demo store "Mild" as an example)
- Loox
- Okendo
- Rapid
- Stamped (see Whisk demo store "Soft" as an example)
- Yotpo (see Whisk demo store "Sharp" as an example)
There is also an option for "Other" that might work with any reviews app that isn't listed. If you are using a reviews all that isn't listed and doesn't work with the "Other" setting, per our Support Policy, we can't help you with custom code integrations. We recommend you instead follow the instructions from the app's documentation to install or engage a developer for help, but please feel free to reach out and let us know so we can consider adding it to our built in list of apps.
Reviews star color
This will only affect certain reviews app integrations. Some of the apps have settings that you can configure within the app themselves, and those color settings will override the settings here.
The following review apps and settings will accept the color chosen in this setting:
- Loox
- Rapid
- Other
The following review apps will not accept the color chosen in this setting, and you need to configure the color within the app itself:
- Air
- Ali
- Okendo
- Stamped
- Yotpo